
Nike figure tanks gehry Red wall boira lines laundry tower lines flat Ochre wall crumple 3 chimneys Veg cactus reflect 39 Leonard tanks arrow Cabbage stump flyt window Black and white lines white Angles pool curtain wall cactus pool pool façade Rooftops pool chimney book shadows Goose pollard shadow stairwell curves2 cactus curves2 window fountain tarpaulin half folds folds folds hosta white Angles

In which I make a valid excuse for picking up a camera and pointing it at whatever comes in view. Here I present you with a variety of groups of photos, some taken in short bursts such as the black cloth on the yellow background with the helpful intervention of the wind which was two different one time events spanning ~30 minutes. Others such as the reflections of the sky in a swimming pool were taken over a period of about a year. Yet more are related by subject matter such as line, object, color, or some such. I leave it to the viewer to make their own analysis. While the groups of photographs have titles (more for my own benefit to keep organized), none of the images are titled or they are all 'Untitled', as in every picture tells a story, don't it?

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© John Maas